Information Governance Policies & Procedures


Section A



Data held by will be held lawfully and for the retention periods set out in section B of this policy document. 

This document refers to:

  • Written Documents

  • Spreadsheets

  • Hardcopy case notes and files

  • Database entries

  • Images

  • Recordings

  • Emails

  • Text messages

  • Supervision notes

  • Visits to the organisations website

  • Social media communication

Aim and Purpose

The purpose of this document is to ensure that has a framework that ensures the rights and freedom of individuals in relation to their personal data (Article 1) and adheres to best practice in the management of client information and business records. 

Information Governance sets out the way in which information collated by an organisation is managed and ensures that any information collected;

  • is the right information

  • is in the right place

  • at the right time

  • with the right people

  • for the right reasons

This is a live document and may be updated at any time to reflect changes in law or growth of the business, and therefore should be revisited regularly to check for any updates. is fully committed to ensuring clients privacy and data protection rights. 

For the purpose of this policy Aradhana Perry is the named Data Protection Officer/Controller/Head of Organisation.

Information Governance Framework Principles for

  1. Relevant websites and documents, guides and pro-formas have been examined by Aradhana Perry and the rules and recommendations relevant to have been implemented in line with the legal requirements of GDPR. These will be reviewed every 2 years or as required with constant monitoring of communications from the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

  2. Any changes to the business processes and/or operations will be planned and will comply with the framework to ensure any risks to personal and sensitive information are minimised.

  3. Any data collected is solely for the purpose of providing a person-centred service to an individual client.

  4. The Caldicott Principles are used to provide guidance in best practice when handling personal data, alongside the ICO’s Office Codes of Practice.

  5. All technology used to store or facilitate information and communication is maintained according to the Data Retention Policy for

  6. All records are identifiable, locatable, retrievable, and intelligible according to regulations set out by GDPR.

  7. It is the responsibility of the Data Controller to ensure sufficient resources are in place to prioritise adhering to Data Protection Legislation in the business.

  8. Any electronic devices where personal or sensitive, confidential information is held will be password protected.

  9. Procedures have been put in place to ensure the General Data Protection Regulations are met. These can be found in Section C.